朱慶瀾的daughter-in-law張希班was my maternalgrandmother(張亞昭) and my grandfather(張澍霖)'s sister. My grandfather was in your grandfather's staff. They worked very close together. Here is the poem he wrote for your grandfather & 吳鐵城: 子老鐵老春正冥誕 春花初發春鳥歌 先賢誕辰次第過 朱公在前吳公後 紀念集會車馬多 二公各有千秋在 千秋遺澤永滂沱 我曾相從二公幕 驥尾之蠅松上蘿 十年廿年空自誤 六六無成鬢髮皤 怊悵孤舟風雨裏 追思獨弔海之阿 Should you care to contact me, please email @ chang_lb@yahoo.com.